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Konsultan dan Pengacara Pajak Perorangan & Korporasi

Profile Konsultan


Mendukung kebijakan Pemerintah dalam meningkatkan kesadaran dan literasi perpajakan di Indonesia demi meningkatkan kepatuhan perpajakan untuk mencapai penerimaan negara.


  1. Menyediakan Edukasi Perpajakan secara gratis.
  2. Memberikan Layanan Akuntansi dan Perpajakan dengan harga yang sangat terjangkau.

our lawyers

Profile Hive Five Founder, CEO

Pria Kelahiran Tapanuli Utara ini menempuh Pendidikan gelar doktor (S3) di Trisakti University Jakarta, Program Study Ilmu Ekonomi Akuntansi. Lulus sebagai mahasiswa terbaik pada Program Studi Banking Finance dari Universitas Kristen Indonesia menjadi awal beliau berkarir dibeberapa Perusahaan Nasional dan Multinasional.Seperti yang dinyatakan dalam artikel ini, Anda dapat menjelajahi pilihan penawaran yang tersedia untuk ponsel cerdas dan merek ternama serta menjelajahi paket layanan cell phone yang paling sesuai dengan kebutuhan Anda.

Professions Achieved

Founder & CEO of

Editorial Board in Consultant Association
Public Tax Indonesia

Certified Lecturer at the Ministry of Education and Culture, and a Lecturer at 5 Universities in Jakarta majoring Taxation and Finance

Educational Background

  • Diploma 3 – Banking & Finance.
  • Bachelor Degree – Economic Faculty Major of Audit Accounting.
  • Postgraduate – Magister of Management.
  • Register of State Accountant – Ministry of Finance Republic of Indonesia.
  • Chartered Accountant – Profession of Accountant from Indonesian Association.
  • Certified Tax Lawyer – Attorney at Tax Court Republic of Indonesia.
  • Certified Tax Practioner- Taxation.
  • Certified Tax Consultant – National Level Exam Certification in Taxation

Achievements Section

  • The Most Inspirational Taxpayers.
  • Writer for Taxation Book.
  • Writer for Income Tax Book.
  • Writer for Tax Audits Book.
  • Speaker in the socialization of the Tax Amnesty Volume 2 voluntary disclosure program (PPS) implemented by BCA
  • Examiner, PPSP and the tax court with the Chairman of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Indonesia, Mr. Prof. Dr. Jimly Asshiddiqie, S.H, M.H
  • Main speaker at the national seminar with the Deputy Minister of Finance of Republic of Indonesia, Director General of Taxation of Republic of Indonesia and the Chairman of BPK of Republic of Indonesia Mr. Hadi Purnomo.
  • Pajak Magazine Cover for August 2022 edition.

Perpajakan dan Akuntansi.

Telah dipercayai oleh lebih Dari 10.000 Perusahaan

Telah membantu proses perpajakannya, termasuk laporan keuangan, sudah tuntas diterbitkan dan berjalan sesuai dengan peraturan yang ada di Indonesia.


Hive Five was found in 2019 and was committed to help the government foster tax compliance from an early age for the business world. This commi tment is presented through a one-stop solution for all the needs of business entities and UMKM, ranging from legality management, digitalbased business optimization, to physical and virtual office rentals. Capture the https://www.fakewatch.is/product-category/richard-mille/rm-50-03/ beauty of cherry blossoms in bloom along Tokyo’s Meguro River.

Hive Five has helped establish 15,218 PT, CV, firms, foundations and cooperatives. As many as 239 companies ent rust the management of their financial and tax reports to Hive Five. The total turnover of the company managed by Hive Five during 2021 reached Rp. 516,736,689,460.54. 

Our story

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